After payment, you will receive an SMS from SAMSAT to the registered {Company Name} mobile number
Open the SMS, then click the link on the SMS to download your latest E-TBPKP
Congratulations! You have obtained a valid E-TBPKP, you can do the validation at the SAMSAT Joint Office or the nearest Layanan Unggulan
To get the Payment Code, please download the SAKPOLE application. Don't forget to update the New Sakpole app on your device. Enter Ownership and Motor Vehicle Data (KBM) in New Sakpole: Police Number, NIK, and the last 5 digits of your Frame Number (nomor rangka).
Select the GoTagihan in Gojek application.
Pay Vehicle Tax at GoTagihan. Enter the payment code in the column above.
The Payment Code is only valid for 2 (two) hours since it was obtained.
After making the payment, log in to your New Sakpole account again to get the E-TBPKP and E-Pengesahan
Get the payment code on the SAMBARA app
Send an SMS with the format esamsat[space]nomer rangka[space]NIK Then send it to 0811-211–9211.
After the transaction, reopen the SAMBARA app and click the "Bukti Bayar" icon to download the e-SKKP.
As of December 18, 2022, you can also get the payment code from the "Sapawarga" application
The payment code is only obtained through the Banten Hebat SAMSAT application (SAMBAT)
Currently, GoTagihan has not accepted a payment code from the SIGNAL application.
Please download the SAMSAT Mobile SUMUT application on your smartphone.
Select "Payment Code".
Select the "+" symbol at the lower right corner of the screen.
Enter the police number, last 5 digits of the frame number (nomor rangka), engine number, and NIK.
Enter your email and mobile number which will later be used to send the OTP code.
If all have been filled in, select "Submit".
Enter the OTP code sent to the email and/or SMS.
A menu containing the payment code, billing details, and tax objects will appear.
Enter the payment code in the column above to make the payment
The payment code will automatically expire at 23:00 WIB every day. Make sure your payment code is active before making a payment.
Please download the Sulsel E-Samsat application on your smartphone.
Select the area of motor vehicle ownership and fill in the data: Police Number, Frame Number, Cellphone Number, and Email.
Get the payment code and enter it in the column above.
The payment code is only valid for 1x24 hours on the same day. Request payment code again through the South Sulawesi E-Samsat application if it cannot be used (expired)
The payment code can also be obtained via SMS (Telkomsel and Indosat). Type: ESAMSAT (space) NORANGKA (space) NIK (space) EMAIL and then send it to 99250.
Or use the Bapenda Sulsel Telegram account. Add the @BapendaSulselbot bot and follow the instructions.
Approval and printing of SKPD can be done up to 30 days after paying the tax at the Joint Office or SAMSAT service outlets in South Sulawesi Province.
PLN - Prepaid Token
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer/Meter Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to PLN.
The amount paid is the selected denomination value and admin fee.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer/Meter Number.
Transactions can only be made at 01:00-23:00 WIB.
Prices may be subject to change.
You may directly call 123 (PLN) for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
GoClub on GoTagihan - GoTagihan on GoClub
If you are registered as GoClub member, you will receive a certain amount of XP (as defined in GoClub Terms and Conditions) from GoClub for each transaction through GoTagihan once You complete the payment.
Eligible payment methods on GoTagihan to get XP are GoPay and Paylater.
Users will get benefits based on their own GoClub Level.
Dengan mengakses atau menggunakan Fitur “Pembayaran Otomatis”, Pengguna dianggap telah memahami dan menyetujui seluruh isi dalam syarat dan ketentuan di bawah ini. Syarat dan ketentuan dapat diubah atau diperbaharui sewaktu-waktu tanpa ada pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Perubahan syarat dan ketentuan akan segera berlaku setelah dicantumkan di dalam Website Gojek ini.
Fitur “Pembayaran Otomatis” secara elektronik akan melakukan penarikan dana saldo GoPay pengguna.
Waktu proses penarikan dana membutuhkan waktu 1-3 hari kerja sebelum waktu Jatuh Tempo Tagihan.
Apabila sistem mencatat pengguna tidak berhasil membayar tagihan selama periode penarikan tagihan, maka pengguna akan dialihkan untuk membayar manual tagihan tersebut pada periode setelah Waktu Jatuh Tempo.
Pengguna dapat membatalkan fitur ‘Pembayaran Otomatis’ pada fitur ‘Riwayat’ lalu pilih ‘Hapus’ pada menu GoTagihan‘’.
Status pembayaran Pengguna akan berubah maksimum 2x24 jam.
Informasi lebih lanjut seputar pertanyaan dan hal-hal lain berkaitan dengan tagihan masing-masing Biller dapat ditanyakan langsung kepada institusi terkait.
Syarat dan ketentuan lain terkait penggunaan GoPay berlaku untuk transaksi ini.
Khusus untuk pelanggan Pasca Bayar “Telkomsel Halo” , Jatuh tempo pembayaran tagihan menyesuaikan dengan tanggal terakhir pelanggan saat melakukan transaksi.
Khusus untuk pelanggan Pasca Bayar “Telkomsel Halo” , Apabila pelanggan tidak setuju dengan tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran tagihan, maka pelanggan dapat membatalkan aktivasi Autopay melalui menu “Riwayat”.
Dimulai sejak tanggal 3 Februari 2021 sampai dengan 28 Februari 2021, khusus untuk pelanggan PDAM dengan digit terakhir Nomor Pelanggan yang merupakan nomor ganjil, GoTagihan akan melakukan penarikan dana pada saldo GoPay atau sumber dana lainnya milik pelanggan dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kalender sebelum tanggal jatuh tempo Tagihan dan (ii) dengan digit terakhir Nomor Pelanggan yang merupakan nomor genap, GoTagihan akan melakukan penarikan dana pada saldo GoPay atau sumber dana lainnya milik pelanggan pada tanggal jatuh tempo Tagihan.
Dimulai sejak tanggal 3 Februari 2021 sampai dengan 28 Februari 2021, khusus untuk pelanggan Telkomsel Halo, Smartfren Postpaid, XL Postpaid, Tri Postpaid, PSTN dan Indosat Postpaid (i) dengan digit terakhir Nomor Telepon Pascabayar yang merupakan nomor ganjil, GoTagihan akan melakukan penarikan dana pada saldo GoPay atau sumber dana lainnya milik pelanggan dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kalender sebelum tanggal pembayaran terakhir yang pernah dilakukan pelanggan atau (ii) dengan digit terakhir Nomor Telepon Pascabayar yang merupakan nomor genap, GoTagihan akan melakukan penarikan dana pada saldo GoPay atau sumber dana lainnya milik pelanggan pada tanggal yang sama dengan tanggal pembayaran terakhir yang pernah dilakukan pelanggan.
You may pay any upcoming Bill earlier manually and/or automatically when You have activated the automatic Bills payment feature (“Automatic Payment”). Once You have activated the Automatic Payment for a certain Bill payment and such Bill is due on the certain month, then Your GoPay balance will be deducted for the Bill that is due in such month and You may also carry out manual payment for the Bill that will be due in the following month so that during the following month, Your GoPay balance will be deducted for the Bill that is due within the a month after the said following month. If Automatic Payment is not activated, You may pay a Bill that is due within a certain month and the following month at the same time. If you wish to cancel the early Bill payment, such cancellation may onle be done through the respective Biller. Example: on 25 August, Your Bill is due and therefore an automatic deduction for the Bill is conducted. However, You may also pay the Bill that will be due on 25 September earlier on 25 August. Hence, on 25 September, Your GoPay balance will be deducted for the Bill that must be paid on 25 October and so on.
Khusus untuk layanan Autodebet BPJS Kesehatan: BPJS Autodebet Registration
(i) Pilih kategori BPJS Kesehatan. (ii) Masukkan Customer ID. (iii) Pilih bulan dan tahun bayar. (iv) Pastikan Anda memilih “YA” pada menu dropdown “”. (v) Pastikan anda melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran dengan memasukkan PIN akun GoPay Anda. (vi) Pembayaran Anda berhasil. (vii) Apabila Pengguna telah terdaftar sebagai pengguna layanan pembayaran tagihan BPJS Kesehatan di platform lain, maka Pengguna tidak dapat bertransaksi di GoTagihan. (viii)Apabila Pengguna ingin membatalkan layanan Autodebet BPJS Kesehatan yang telah terdaftar di GoTagihan maupun platform lain karena ingin menggunakan GoTagihan, Pengguna harus mengunjungi kantor BPJS Kesehatan terdekat untuk melakukan permohonan pembatalan Autodebet BPJS Kesehatan.(ix) Untuk iInfo lebih lanjut terkait Autodebet BPJS Kesehatan, mohondapat menghubungi BPJS Care Center: 1500400.
PLN - Postpaid
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer/Meter Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to PLN.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee.
Payment is due on the 20th of every month.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Transactions can only be made at 01:00-23:00 WIB.
Overdue bills (max. 8 months late) must be paid in 2 separate transactions.
Overdue bills (over 8 months late) must be paid at the PLN branch office.
Bills are entirely charged by PLN.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly call 123 (PLN) for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
PLN - Non-Taglis
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer/Meter Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to PLN.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), VAT/PPN, and admin fee.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer/Registration Number.
Transactions can only be made at 01:00-23:00 WIB.
Prices may be subject to change.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly call 123 (PLN) for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer/KTP Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to BPJS.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), VAT/PPN, and admin fee.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer/KTP Number.
Prices may subject to change.
You may directly call the numbers below for further assistance by BPJS:
BPJS Kesehatan Information Center (24 Hours): 1500400
SMS Gateaway: 087775500400
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Badan Amil Zakat Nasional
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Badan Amil Zakat Nasional,
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Badan Amil Zakat Nasional for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
There is no administrative fee or reduction in the amount paid by users for zakat, 100% will be transferred to KitaBisa.
GoPay will provide Proof of Payment for every Zakat payment, which automatically sent to registered email for Gojek account
You can ask for Bukti Potong Pajak (Tax Receipt) directly through email to KitaBisa at, and attach Proof of Payment alongside the email.
Transaction cancellation and/or refund is not applicable for Zakat payment
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Baitul Maal Hidayatullah
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Baitul Maal Hidayatullah.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Baitul Maal Hidayatullah for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Dompet Dhuafa
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Dompet Dhuafa.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Dompet Dhuafa for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Global Zakat ACT
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Global Zakat ACT.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Global Zakat ACT for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Griya Yatim dan Dhuafa for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in LAZISMU.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact LAZISMU for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in LAZISNU.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact LAZISNU for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Rumah Yatim
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Rumah Yatim.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Rumah Yatim for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Rumah Zakat
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Rumah Zakat.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Rumah Zakat for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Yayasan Dana Sosial Al Falah (YDSF)
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Yayasan Dana Sosial Al Falah.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Yayasan Dana Sosial Al Falah for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - LAZ Al Azhar
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in LAZ Al Azhar.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact LAZ Al Azhar for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - NH Zakat Kita
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in NH Zakat Kita.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact NH Zakat Kita for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Zakat - Laznas Yatim Mandiri
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the donation amount is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Laznas Yatim Mandiri.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your donation amount.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Laznas Yatim Mandiri for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
PUBG PC - How To Redeem
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
No admin fee will be charged
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to PUBG PC/Codashop.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Failure and/or fault in transaction incurred related to PUBG PC/Codashop’s system shall not be our liability.
You may directly call PUBG PC/Codashop for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Gemscool/Codashop.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Failure and/or fault in transactions incurred related to Gemscool/Codashop’s system shall not be our liability.
You may directly call Gemscool/Codashop for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Steam/ Codashop.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your User ID.
Prices may subject to change.
Failure and/or fault in transaction incurred related to Steam/ Codashop’s system shall not be our liability.
You may directly call Steam/ Codashop for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Biznet.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee (Rp 4.000,-/month).
Payment due date is on 10th every month.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Biznet.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Prices may subject to change.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Biznet for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Google Play Voucher Code - Google Play
To redeem, input code on Play Store apps or visit
Gift card issued by Google Arizona LLC (“GAZ”).. See full terms and privacy policy at
Users must be 13+ years of age, Indonesia resident with a Google Payments account for Indonesia and internet access to redeem.
Redeemed balance is maintained by GAZ’s affiliate, Google Payment Corp. (“GPC”), in your Google Payments account.
Valid only for purchases of eligible items on Google Play.
Not usable for hardware and certain subscriptions.
Other limits may apply.
Tax fee will be charged 10% of purchase value
No fees. Except as required by law, a card is not redeemable for cash or other cards; cannot be applied to credit accounts; not reloadable or refundable; cannot be combined with non-Google Play balances, resold, exchanged or transferred for value.
The code is only valid for topping up an account, code expires 36 months from date of activation.
Funds in this code can only be added to a wallet associated with a master account where the area of residence of the master account holder must be Indonesia.
Use of the code in this card and/or use of content or services purchased on PlayStation™Network, are subject to PSN™ Terms of Service and User Agreement, By using this code or by purchasing and/or using content or services on PSN, you agree to the PSN Terms of Service and User Agreement.
This code has no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product. Funds added to PSN wallet are non-refundable and non-transferable.
This code can be suspended or terminated, and the balance canceled without prior notice if Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. (“SIE Inc.”) has reason to suspect fraudulent, abusive or unlawful use.
Please safeguard this code. You are responsible for any loss, theft or unauthorized use of this code.
Customer Service Phone Number: ID region CS Number : (021) 1500-323
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Transvision.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee (Rp 2.500,-/month).
Payment due date is divided into 2 (two) period during 1st - 15th and 16th - 30th/31st every month depends on customer registration date. Late payment will be subject to a fine of Rp 20.000 by Transvision.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Transvision for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in PDAM.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee (Rp 2.500,-/month).
Payment due date depends on Regional PDAM regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Admin fee is charged per 1 (one) month (billing period).
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from PDAM.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
XL Postpaid
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Postpaid Phone Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in XL.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing and the fines (if any).
Payment due date depends on XL regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Postpaid Phone Number.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from XL.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Smartfren Postpaid
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Smartfren Postpaid
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on Smartfren Postpaid regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Smartfren Postpaid for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction
Telkom Fixed Line
Telephone payments at GoBills are valid for Telkom Phone products from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia.
Telephone payments can be made to all regions in Indonesia.
The total bill includes an administration fee of IDR 2,500 and penalties (if any).
Telephone bill payments can be made between 4-20 each month.
Telkom Speedy customers can also make payments on existing Phone products at GoBills.
The total telephone service bill costs are included with administrative costs along with stamp duty / fines (if any).
Make sure you already have a GoPay account, because bill payments can only be made by verified GoPay account users.
GoPay is not responsible for phone payment errors due to user input number errors.
The official GoPay never asks for a user's account email and password. Please do not inform the data to any party.
GoPay has the right, without prior notice, to take the necessary actions in the event of alleged fraud by the buyer.
For further information regarding billing, please contact Telkom Indonesia at 147 Telkom.
Telkomsel Halo
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Postpaid Phone Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Telkomsel Halo.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing and the fines (if any).
Payment due date depends on Telkomsel Halo regulation
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Postpaid Phone Number.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Telkomsel Halo.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Tri Postpaid
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Postpaid Phone Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Tri.
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on Tri regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Postpaid Phone Number.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Tri.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
beIN Sports Connect
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
The mistake of purchasing a Bein Sports Streaming Voucher by customer is customer's responsibility
Streaming voucher only available on Android mobile
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Bein Sports/Codashop.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Failure and/or fault in transaction incurred related to Bein Sports/Codashop’s system shall not be our liability. You may directly call Bein Sport/Codashop for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Any loss caused by Customer failure to protect the confidentiality of the Bein Sport Voucher code is Customer responsibility
Indosat Postpaid
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Postpaid Phone Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Indosat.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing and the fines (if any).
Payment due date depends on Indosat regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Postpaid Phone Number.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Indosat.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
The mistake of purchasing a Vidio Streaming Voucher by customer is customer's responsibility
Streaming voucher only available on Android mobile
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Vidio.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Failure and/or fault in transactions incurred related to Vidio system shall not be our liability. You may directly call Vidio for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Any loss caused by Customer failure to protect the confidentiality of the Vidio Voucher code is Customer responsibility
VIDIO FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Mobile
Code can be used for new users as well as existing users.
The voucher code is valid for 3 months after the voucher code has been successfully redeemed.
Can only be watched on 1 device at a time
Maximum voucher redemption is 3 days after the voucher is received.
User must complete age/gender profile when redeeming.
Promo does not include streaming quota.
Vidio has the right to cancel the voucher benefit if fraud is found.
Voucher codes are non-refundable or cashable.
Gojek is not responsible for any form of loss experienced by users due to negligence in using or maintaining the confidentiality of the use of vouchers.
Can be watched via the Vidio mobile application.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to VIU.
Streaming voucher only available on Android mobile
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Failure and/or fault in transactions incurred related to VIU’s system shall not be our liability. You may directly call VIU for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Any loss caused by Customer failure to protect the confidentiality of the VIU Voucher code is Customer responsibility
VIDIO FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 All Screen
Code can be used for new users as well as existing users.
The voucher code is valid for 3 months after the voucher code has been successfully redeemed.
Can only be watched on 1 device at a time
Maximum voucher redemption is 3 days after the voucher is received.
User must complete age/gender profile when redeeming.
Promo does not include streaming quota.
Vidio has the right to cancel the voucher benefit if fraud is found.
Voucher codes are non-refundable or cashable.
Gojek is not responsible for any form of loss experienced by users due to negligence in using or maintaining the confidentiality of the use of vouchers.
Can be watched through the application and website Vidio mobile, desktop/pc, and smart TV
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Spotify.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
The Card is redeemable only for full price standalone Premium subscription months. Gift Cards, eGift Cards and other currency-denominated Cards cannot be redeemed for discounted or group subscriptions.
The Card is not refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash, and has no cash value, except as required by law
To redeem, you have to register Spotify account and you must be 14+ and live in the same country where you were purchased
The Card is a single-use card
Issuer is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from lost, stolen, or fraudulently obtained Cards or their unauthorized use
Provided by Spotify AB, registration number 556786-5729.
Gift cards are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
No admin fee will be charged.
WIFI ID voucher details :
1 day: Voucher for 1 day period (6 hours for Sumatera, Jawa, Bali. 4 hours for Kalimantan and Sulawesi. 2 hours for Maluku and Papua),starting from the first time you log in.
7 days: Voucher for 7 days period, starting from the first time you log in.
30 days: Voucher for 30 days periode, starting from the first time you log in.
The time limit of using voucher is 90 days after purchasing
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to WiFi ID.
This voucher only available on Android mobile
Prices may be subject to change.
Failure and/or fault in transactions incurred related to the WiFi ID system shall not be our liability.
You may directly call WiFi ID for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Any loss caused by Customer failure to protect the confidentiality of the WiFi ID Voucher code is Customer responsibility
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure phone number registered on GoPlay is the same number that registered on Gojek app
There is no administration fee
If you purchase more than one package, the subscription period will be automatically extended according to the number of packages that you purchase
After the 30-day active period ends there is no automatic renewal
You may directly contact for further assistance regarding content related to GoPlay.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer/Contract Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to AEON Credit Service.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee.
Payment is due on the 2nd of every month.
the fines is entirely determined by AEON Credit Service.
The admin fee is Rp 6.500.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Contract Number.
Prices may subject to change.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly call AEON Credit Service for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
BFI Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Contract Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in BFI Finance
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on BFI Finance regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact BFI Finance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
BFI Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Contract Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in BFI Finance
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on BFI Finance regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact BFI Finance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Home Credit
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Contract Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Home Credit.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing and the fines (if any).
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Home Credit.
Payment due date depends on Home Credit regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Contract Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Home Credit for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Mega Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GO-PAY balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Mega Finance
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on Mega Finance regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Mega Finance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Mega Auto Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Contract Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Mega Auto Finance
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on Mega Auto Finance regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Mega Auto Finance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Mega Central Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Contract Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Mega Central Finance
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on Mega Central Finance regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Mega Central Finance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
OTO Kredit Motor
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer ID is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in OTO Kredit Motor
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on OTO Kredit Motor regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact OTO Kredit Motor for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Prudential,
Payment due date depends on Prudential regulation.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Prudential
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Prudential for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
OTO Kredit Mobil
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer ID is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in OTO Kredit Mobil
No admin fee will be charged.
Payment due date depends on OTO Kredit Mobil regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact OTO Kredit Mobil for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Suzuki Finance
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer/Contract Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successfully sent to Suzuki Finance.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), VAT/PPN, and admin fee.
Payment due date is determined between the user and service provider of Suzuki Finance Indonesia.
the fines is entirely determined by Suzuki Finance Indonesia.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Contract Number.
Prices may subject to change.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly call Suzuki Finance Indonesia for further assistance on your payment status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Takaful Insurance,
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee (Rp5,000,-/month).
Payment due date depends on Takaful Insurance regulation.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from Takaful Insurance
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact Takaful Insurance for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in PGN.
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee (Rp 2.500,-/month).
Payment due date is on 20th every month. Late payment will be subject to a fine of Rp 150.000 by PGN.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Total billing and the fines (if any) is charged from PGN.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
For further assistance please contact PGN on 1500645 or send an e-mail at
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction.
Make sure your Tax Object Number is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in PBB.
You will be charged a fine of 2%/month from total bill. The fine provisions apply for all region
The amount paid is inclusive of the total billing, the fines (if any), and admin fee
Admin fee will be different in each region
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Tax Object Number.
Admin fee is charged per 1 (one) year (billing period).
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from PBB.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to UPRD office in your district for more information regarding to PBB payment
The terms and conditions on the use of GO-PAY apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your vehicle number is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in PKB.
Admin fee will be different in each region
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Vehicle Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from PKB.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to Samsat office in your district for more information
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Retribusi Daerah
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your Tax Number is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Retribusi Daerah.
Admin fee will be different in each region
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Tax Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from Retribusi Daerah.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to UPPRD office in your district for more information
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Pajak Daerah
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your Tax Number is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Pajak Daerah.
Admin fee will be different in each region
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Tax Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from Pajak Daerah
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to UPPRD office in your district for more information
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your Student ID which is Nomor Induk Siswa (NIS) sekolah is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in a related educational institution.
You will be charged admin fees worth IDR3,500/transaction
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Student ID/NIS sekolah.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from a related educational institution.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to related educational institution for more information
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Isi Ulang - BNI TapCash
Please do not give OTP code / verification / password to anyone.
Make sure the GO-PAY balance is sufficient when making a transaction.
Make sure you have entered the Card Number correctly before making a transaction.
We are not responsible for errors in inputting Customer IDs by Users.
BNI TapCash cards can be transferred to any party, therefore this BNI TapCash card can be used by someone other than the Cardholder.
Can be topped up with a maximum balance of IDR 2,000,000
Each transaction is subject to an admin fee of IDR 1,500
Balances on TapCash cards are not given interest and are not guaranteed by LPS
BNI Bank is not responsible for the loss of BNI TapCash Cards owned by customers, BNI also cannot replace or block BNI TapCash Cards.
To make transactions using a TapCash BNI card, you must place the TapCash BNI card in the Reader.
To save a TapCash BNI card, make sure you keep the card in a place that is protected from scratches, heat and where the card is broken.
For more information, please contact the nearest BNI branch office or contact BNI customer care.
Other terms and conditions related to GO-PAY use apply to this transaction
E-Invoicing - SPIL
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your Payment Number is right.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in a related e-invoicing provider.
You will be charged admin fees worth IDR 5.000 / transaction
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Payment Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from a related e-invoicing provider.
Your payment status will change within 1x24 hours on business days.
For SPIL, e-DO (Delivery Order) will be sent by SMS to a registered phone number.
You may directly ask the related e-invoicing provider for more information about the Delivery Order’s status.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your Payment Number is correct as issued by an e-invoicing provider related.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in a related e-invoicing provider.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Payment Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from a related e-invoicing provider.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making transaction
Make sure your vehicle number is correct before making transaction
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in Property Provider.
Admin fee will be different in each Property Provider
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Vehicle Number.
Total billing and fines (if any) is charged from the Property Provider.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly ask to Property Providerfor more information
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.
First Media
Do not share your OTP/verification/password code to anyone.
Make sure you have enough GoPay balance when making a transaction.
Make sure the Customer Number is correct before making a transaction.
There will be no refund or cancellation once the transaction is successful in First Media.
No admin fee will be charged
Payment due date depends on First Media regulation.
You will take responsibility for any incorrect input of your Customer Number.
Your payment status will change within 2x24 hours on business days.
You may directly contact First Media for further assistance.
The terms and conditions on the use of GoPay apply for this transaction.