Frictionless cancellations for a smoother driving experience
Frictionless cancellations for a smoother driving experience
24 Jan 2025

With the new cancellation quota feature, you can easily cancel trips without going through in-app help - with no impact to your performance!

We hear your frustrations on the cancellation process:

  • Having to quickly decide between receiving the cancellation fee or retaining your performance
  • Wasting time with many clicks required to request for system cancellations

The new cancellation quota streamlines existing cancellation methods for a frictionless process, so you can enjoy a smoother driving experience on the road.

The cancellation quota is applicable for both GoCar and GoTaxi services, so all driver-partners can benefit from frictionless cancellations.

Read on for more details and FAQs.

✔️ Fuss-free cancellations within 3 clicks

The cancellation quota replaces the previous method of requesting for system cancellations via the Help Centre - so you can cancel without impacting your performance in just 3 clicks.


⚠️ The following reasons are not valid for the cancellation quota:

  • My vehicle broke down
  • I picked up the wrong customer
  • I don’t want to complete the order

Do ensure that you select the appropriate cancellation reason for your situation. 

The three reasons above will not use up your cancellation quota, and your performance will be impacted. You will also not receive a cancellation fee if these reasons are selected.

✔️ Automatically receive a cancellation fee without impacting your performance

You can cancel without impacting your performance within your cancellation quota balance, and automatically receive a cancellation fee without having to choose between the two.

This means that if you have waited for more than 4 minutes at your customer’s pick-up location (don’t forget to swipe “I have arrived”), you will be able to receive the cancellation fee without impacting your performance. This also means you no longer have to submit a separate request for a cancellation fee!

When your cancellation quota balance is zero, further cancellations will impact your performance. However, you can still receive a cancellation fee when eligible.

✔️ Regain your quota by completing trips

All driver-partners start with 2 impact-free trips in your cancellation quota and can accumulate a total maximum of 2 impact-free trips in your cancellation quota at any one time. 

You can regain your quota by completing trips. For every 18 completed trips, you will gain one additional impact-free cancellation quota.

We understand that driver-partners who complete more trips may encounter more situations where you might need to cancel due to valid reasons. The ability to regain your cancellation quota by completing trips enables us to provide a fairer cancellation policy to better compensate you for your time and efforts on the road.

You will receive an in-app notification whenever you have successfully cancelled a trip, and when you have gained an additional quota after 18 completed trips, so that you can keep track of your remaining cancellation quota. 

These notifications will also remain in your in-app inbox, so you can easily refer to them at your convenience.


Q: Will all driver-partners be given 2 impact-free trips in their quota upfront?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I still have to wait for 4 mins after I’ve arrived to receive the cancellation fee?
A: Yes.

Q: Will there be any refreshing of completed trips count if I haven’t hit the 18 trips requirement before the day ends?
A: No, your completed trips count will not be refreshed on a daily or weekly basis. For every 18 trips completed, you will be able to gain an additional quota, up to a maximum of 2 quota which will remain until the quota has been used.

Q: Will I still be able to submit a request for cancellation via the Help Centre?
A: You are strongly encouraged to use the in-app cancellation feature for a frictionless cancellation experience, without impacting your performance. 

However, in the event of an emergency and if the trip is already in progress, you may submit a cancellation form via the in-app Help Centre to cancel your booking. Your performance will be impacted. Please note that strict actions will be taken against driver-partners who abuse the cancellation form.

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