Driver Code of Conduct

Data privacy

Compliance with data protection requirements

Gojek takes the privacy of users on our platform very seriously, and you are expected to do the same. Please comply with your obligations under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and any other LTA requirements concerning customer data you receive while driving with us.


Unauthorized processing of customer data

We share certain personal data about your customer with you (e.g. username, photo, pick-up and drop-off location) for the purposes of completing an order. Do not collect any other customer data (including by taking photographs or videos of customers) without their consent; or retain, use, or share any customer data for any purposes other than for the purposes of each order, including by saving or taking a screenshot of the customer’s details, contacting the customer after a completed/cancelled trip (except in relation to lost-and-found items), or sharing the customer’s details on social media channels (e.g. Facebook) or other messaging platforms (e.g. WhatsApp or Telegram).


In-vehicle recordings

We do not require you to install or use any inward-facing audio and/or video recording devices in your vehicle. If you wish to do so, you must do this in accordance with the PDPA and the LTA's requirements. More information on LTA's requirements for the installation and use of such devices is available here. You may not use any unauthorized recording devices such as mobile phones to make any unauthorised audio and/or visual recording within your vehicle. If your vehicle has an inward-facing IVRD installed you must display signs or decals to notify passengers of the installed device, and you may only disclose any footage to the LTA or other data controllers authorized by LTA.

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In-Vehicle Recording Devices (IVRDs)
Driver Code of Conduct
GoalBetter: Fuel rebates
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