A statement from Gojek Co-CEOs, Kevin Aluwi and Andre Soelistyo
A statement from Gojek Co-CEOs, Kevin Aluwi and Andre Soelistyo
gojek / 24 Feb 2024

Jakarta, 22 October 2019 - Gojek’s new co-CEOs Kevin Aluwi and Andre Soelistyo have today released a statement following yesterday’s announcement that Founder Nadiem Makarim has accepted a position in President Joko Widodo’s new cabinet.

Andre and Kevin have been running the business along with Nadiem, for a number of years, which will ensure a smooth leadership transition. In addition, it has today been revealed that Gojek commissioner Garibaldi Thohir will become President Commissioner to lead the company’s non-executive board. Nadiem will no longer retain any executive or advisory role in the company.

Under Kevin and Andre’s management, Gojek has grown exponentially to process over two billion transactions a year. The company’s fundraising efforts have attracted some of the world’s most exciting companies including Google, Tencent, Mitsubishi, Visa, AIA and Astra, with Series F set to raise well over US$2 billion. The company has also launched operations in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, while the Gojek app has become the most-used on-demand application in Indonesia, where its food and payments businesses have overtaken transport to become the largest businesses within the group.

The joint statement said:

“We would both like to thank Nadiem for his vision and for working with us over the past few years to create something that has become bigger and more impactful than any of us ever imagined. We are very proud and honored that our founder will move on to create impact at a larger scale, benefiting the whole nation.
“Nadiem leaves after an amazing nine years spent building the company from just an idea, into a multi-billion dollar business that reduces friction in the lives of people throughout Southeast Asia, while providing a source of income for millions. His achievements have been a source of inspiration to everyone at Gojek and he leaves the business at a time when there’s never been more excitement about its future potential. We now have over two million driver partners across Southeast Asia and over 400,000 merchants, all of whom together process over two billion transactions annually.
“Both of us have been running the Gojek business alongside Nadiem for some time, so there will be no disruption to the day to day operations or the amazing growth we have enjoyed over the years. Andre will focus on corporate functions and management of capital allocation, international expansion as well as payments and financial services, while Kevin will focus on the product development elements of the Gojek business as well as marketing, organisational development and the transportation and food delivery businesses. 
 “We are well prepared for the future and this is due in large part to the many outstanding industry leaders that have joined us over the past few years, and the collective vision and execution of the entire Gojek team. 
“We would like to conclude by thanking the government of Indonesia for recognising the significance our business has had on society. We will respect the process the Palace has set out by not going into too much detail before tomorrow’s inauguration. We would also like to wish Nadiem the very best of luck as he embarks on this very important mission.”

Since co-founding Gojek, Kevin has held significant leadership roles across product and functional teams within the organisation. He has used his background in Business Intelligence to pioneer the use of data for decision-making across the Gojek business. He has also assembled deep technology expertise across the data, engineering and product teams, with a focus on enhancing the platform’s overall user experience. Prior to his role at Gojek, Kevin spent time at Zalora Indonesia, Merah Putih Incubator and Salem Partners.

Similarly, Andre has played a pivotal role in laying a solid foundation for Gojek’s rapid growth. He has overseen over US$4 billion of fundraising, which attracted key investors such as Google, Tencent, Astra, KKR and Warburg Pincus. He has also laid the foundation for the company’s business strategy for long term sustainability. Prior to joining Gojek, Andre was an Executive Director at Northstar Group - Indonesia’s largest private equity fund, and was previously the Head of Corporate Finance at Delta Dunia Makmur.


A number of Gojek investors have expressed support for the new arrangement: 

Caesar Sengupta, General Manager and VP, Payments and Next Billion Users, Google said, 

“Gojek continues to innovate on behalf of millions of users, and are a leading light in Indonesia’s new economy. We look forward to continuing to partner closely with Andre and Kevin as they take over leadership of this Indonesian champion.” 


Poshu Yeung, Vice President, International Business Group of Tencent said, 

“We wish Nadiem all the best as he moves into his new role, and congratulate Andre and Kevin on their new appointment. Gojek has achieved market leadership in the ride-hailing market in Indonesia and is expanding its leadership in various verticals such as food delivery and digital payments. We look forward to partnership with Andre and Kevin, and believe that their leadership will bring Gojek to the next level of development in Indonesia and beyond in Southeast Asia.” 


Jeffrey Perlman, Managing Director, Head of Southeast Asia, Warburg Pincus said, 

“Andre and Kevin are exceptional talents and have been playing a key role in driving Gojek’s growth. We have seen firsthand the leadership transition and seamless execution as they have been working closely to grow the business into the size and scale that it is today.
“I have a lot of respect for Nadiem and would definitely like to applaud him on his mission to improve lives across Indonesia and I am very confident that Gojek will continue to thrive and develop into a true global player in the capable hands of Andre and Kevin.”


Ashish Shastry, Co-Head of Asia Pacific Private Equity and Head of Southeast Asia at KKR said, 

“Gojek has seen phenomenal expansion across verticals both in Indonesia and overseas in recent years, in large part to the company’s impressive management team and deep bench of committed and talented executives. We congratulate Andre, Kevin and Nadiem on each of their new roles within and outside Gojek, and we’re excited to see the company continue to pursue its bold vision for growth under the very capable leadership of Andre and Kevin. On a personal note, I’ve known Andre, Kevin and Nadiem from pre Gojek days and I’m very confident that they will all deliver lasting impact in their new roles.” 


Shailendra Singh, Managing Director, Sequoia Capital (India) Singapore said

“Andre and Kevin are both dynamic, mission-driven leaders who we have worked closely with for several years; they have played a critical role in driving Gojek’s trajectory and execution. Gojek has made an incredible impact in Indonesia since we partnered with the company in 2015, touching the lives of millions of consumers and adding billions to the country’s economy. We couldn’t be more optimistic about the company’s future and its continued positive impact to Indonesia’s economy and society. We are grateful to Nadiem for his visionary leadership of Gojek since its founding, but we are equally optimistic that Andre and Kevin will lead the company to newer heights.”

Membawa Gojek ke Tahap Selanjutnya, Berikut Pernyataan dari Co-CEO Gojek, Kevin Aluwi dan Andre Soelistyo

Jakarta, 22 Oktober 2019 - Co-CEO Gojek Kevin Aluwi dan Andre Soelistyo hari ini mengeluarkan pernyataan menyusul pengunduran diri Nadiem Makarim untuk bergabung di pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. 

Andre dan Kevin telah menjalankan bisnis Gojek dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sehingga transisi kepemimpinan ini dipastikan akan berjalan mulus. Jajaran eksekutif Gojek juga diperkuat dengan diangkatnya Komisaris Gojek Garibaldi Thohir menjadi Komisaris Utama untuk memimpin jajaran pengawas perusahaan. Adapun Nadiem tidak lagi berperan apapun di Gojek, baik sebagai eksekutif maupun penasihat perusahaan. 

Di bawah kepemimpinan Kevin dan Andre, Gojek tumbuh pesat hingga saat ini telah memproses lebih dari 2 miliar transaksi per tahun. Penggalangan dana (fundraising) yang dilakukan Gojek juga mampu menarik minat sejumlah perusahaan kelas dunia seperti Google, Tencent, Mitsubishi, Visa, AIA dan Astra, dengan seri F diperkirakan mampu meraih pendanaan lebih dari US$ 2 Miliar. Gojek juga telah berekspansi dengan meluncurkan layanan di Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam. Sementara di Indonesia, Gojek menjadi aplikasi on-demand yang paling banyak digunakan, dimana layanan pesan- antar makanan dan pembayaran digital memberikan kontribusi paling besar dibandingkan layanan ride-hailing. 

Pernyataan bersama Kevin dan Andre sebagai berikut: 

“Kami berterima kasih kepada Nadiem atas visinya dan kerjasamanya dengan kami dalam beberapa tahun terakhir untuk menciptakan hal yang menjadi besar dan berdampak luas, lebih dari yang pernah kita bayangkan.” 
“Kami merasa terhormat bahwa salah satu founder kami telah diminta untuk membantu Presiden Joko Widodo, sehingga Nadiem akan dapat menciptakan dampak positif yang lebih luas kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Kami menghormati proses yang saat ini sedang berlangsung dan mendoakan yang terbaik untuk Nadiem untuk pengumuman dari Istana Rabu besok.” 
“Nadiem mengundurkan diri dari Gojek setelah sembilan tahun membangun dan membesarkan perusahaan, dari sebuah ide sederhana menjadi bisnis bernilai miliaran dolar AS yang memudahkan kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat di Asia Tenggara, sekaligus memberikan peluang untuk menambah pendapatan bagi jutaan orang. Pencapaian Nadiem telah menjadi inspirasi bagi setiap orang di Gojek dan dia meninggalkan Gojek ketika masa depan perusahaan ini sangat cerah. Saat ini kami memiliki lebih dari dua juta mitra driver di Asia Tenggara dan lebih dari 400,000 mitra usaha, yang telah memproses lebih dari dua miliar transaksi per tahun. 
“Kami berdua telah menjalankan bisnis Gojek bersama Nadiem untuk beberapa waktu, sehingga pergantian kepemimpinan ini tidak akan berdampak, baik pada keseharian operasional maupun pertumbuhan perusahaan. Andre akan fokus pada strategi korporasi, alokasi modal, ekspansi internasional serta layanan pembayaran dan keuangan. Sementara Kevin akan fokus pada pengembangan produk, strategi pemasaran, pengembangan organisasi dan juga layanan ride-hailing serta pesan-antar makanan. 
“Sebagai perusahaan startup berskala besar, kami harus senantiasa siap dengan segala macam perubahan termasuk menyiapkan rencana suksesi di Gojek. Kami telah memiliki rencana yang matang untuk pertumbuhan Gojek ke depan dan didukung oleh talenta terbaik kelas dunia yang telah bergabung bersama Gojek dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Seluruh manajemen Gojek memiliki visi yang sama dalam membangun perusahaan serta kemampuan eksekusi yang handal. 
“Kami berterima kasih kepada pemerintah Indonesia yang telah mengakui dampak signifikan Gojek kepada masyarakat. Kami sangat menghormati proses di Istana dengan tidak membahas lebih detail sebelum pengumuman besok. Kami harapkan yang terbaik bagi Nadiem menyusul misi penting yang kini diembannya.” 

Sejak mendirikan Gojek bersama Nadiem, Kevin memiliki peran signifikan dalam memimpin tim produk dan pemasaran di dalam organisasi. Latar belakang Kevin yakni di bidang business intelligence sangat membantu dia menggunakan data sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan. Dia juga membentuk tim teknologi yang ahli dalam bidang data, engineering, dan produk, dengan fokus meningkatkan user experience di platform Gojek. Sebelum di Gojek, Kevin bekerja di Zalora Indonesia, Merah Putih Incubator dan Salem Partners. 

Andre juga memiliki peran vital dalam membangun pondasi yang kuat bagi pertumbuhan cepat Gojek. Dia telah menggalang dana lebih dari US$ 4 miliar dari Google, Tencent, KKR dan Warburg Pincus. Andre juga membangun pondasi dalam strategi bisnis perusahaan untuk keberlanjutan jangka panjang. Sebelum bergabung dengan Gojek, Andre menjabat Executive Director di Northstar Group, private equity fund terbesar di Indonesia. Dan, sebelum itu Andre juga pernah menjabat Head of Corporate Finance di Delta Dunia Makmur. 

Dukungan investor Gojek kepada dua pemimpin baru Gojek: 

Caesar Sengupta, General Manager and VP, Payments and Next Billion Users, Google said, 

Gojek continues to innovate on behalf of millions of users, and are a leading light in Indonesia’s new economy. We look forward to continuing to partner closely with Andre and Kevin as they take over leadership of this Indonesian champion.” 

Poshu Yeung, Vice President, International Business Group of Tencent said, 

We wish Nadiem all the best as he moves into his new role, and congratulate Andre and Kevin on their new appointment. Gojek has achieved market leadership in the ride-hailing market in Indonesia and is expanding its leadership in various verticals such as food delivery and digital payments. We look forward to partnership with Andre and Kevin, and believe that their leadership will bring Gojek to the next level of development in Indonesia and beyond in Southeast Asia.” 

Jeffrey Perlman, Managing Director, Head of Southeast Asia, Warburg Pincus said, 

Andre and Kevin are exceptional talents and have been playing a key role in driving Gojek’s growth. We have seen firsthand the leadership transition and seamless execution as they have been working closely to grow the business into the size and scale that it is today. 
“I have a lot of respect for Nadiem and would definitely like to applaud him on his mission to improve lives across Indonesia and I am very confident that Gojek will continue to thrive and develop into a true global player in the capable hands of Andre and Kevin.”  

Ashish Shastry, Co-Head of Asia Pacific Private Equity and Head of Southeast Asia at KKR said,

Gojek has seen phenomenal expansion across verticals both in Indonesia and overseas in recent years, in large part to the company’s impressive management team and deep bench of committed and talented executives. We congratulate Andre, Kevin and Nadiem on each of their new roles within and outside Gojek, and we’re excited to see the company continue to pursue its bold vision for growth under the very capable leadership of Andre and Kevin. On a personal note, I’ve known Andre, Kevin and Nadiem from pre Gojek days and I’m very confident that they will all deliver lasting impact in their new roles.

Shailendra Singh, Managing Director, Sequoia Capital (India) Singapore said, 

Andre and Kevin are both dynamic, mission-driven leaders who we have worked closely with for several years; they have played a critical role in driving Gojek’s trajectory and execution. Gojek has made an incredible impact in Indonesia since we partnered with the company in 2015, touching the lives of millions of consumers and adding billions to the country’s economy. We couldn’t be more optimistic about the company’s future and its continued positive impact to Indonesia’s economy and society. We are grateful to Nadiem for his visionary leadership of Gojek since its founding, but we are equally optimistic that Andre and Kevin will lead the company to newer heights.”