Help/gocorp-existing-users-employee/GoCorp Account Registration, Activation, and Withdrawal/
Will there be a reminder for employees to link or activate their Gojek account to GoCorp?
Will there be a reminder for employees to link or activate their Gojek account to GoCorp?
Yes, each employee will receive three email reminders to ensure they link or activate GoCorp on their Gojek account. Our system will send reminders to employees with “invited” status only with the following schedule: - 1st reminder: 1 week (7 days) after the onboarded date - 2nd reminder: 2 weeks (14 days) after the onboarded date - 3rd reminder: 30 days after the onboarded date Employees who have activated their account prior to the 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd reminders will not receive the activation email again.

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