Can I see the remaining limit I have in the app?
Can I see the remaining limit I have in the app?

Yes. You can open "GoCorp Business Profile" to get all the information related to the assigned limit and rule for your GoCorp account. You can access the page from the "My Profile" menu, which you can find on the left-hand corner of the Gojek home screen. Information that will be available on the screen includes: 
- GoCorp trip and/or spending limit 
- Time window rules 
- Location rules 

credit limit it business profile.png

For trip and/or spending limit, you will see the limit name, limit status, limit time range, and limit amount assigned to you inside the page. Please note that you can only make an order if you have a limit with "Available" status. If you have an available limit and already adhere to the time window and location rules but still cannot make an order, there is a chance that your company's limit has been maxed out. If you experience this issue, please contact your dedicated company's admin. 

Please note that the Business Profile page is available to Android users from App version 4.42 onwards and iOS users on App version 4.44 (released in May 2022) onwards. Please ensure that you have updated your Gojek app to the latest version to enjoy this feature

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