Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/Data Change Request in Commercial Terms/
How can I add or remove a company admin in my company’s GoCorp Dashboard?
How can I add or remove a company admin in my company’s GoCorp Dashboard?
You can submit a company admin addition/removal in your company’s GoCorp Dashboard through Sales/Customer Experience Team with two methods: A. Method 1. Submit a request email to Sales/Customer Experience Team 1. Send a request email for company admin addition/removal in GoCorp Dashboard to gocorp-cx@gojek.com 2, Ensure that the email is sent by the Company’s Representative from Business or Finance as specified in the Commercial Terms. 3, Attach the details of your Company Admin to be added or removed (Name, Mobile Number, & Email) in the body email. You can use the template below if needed. Use the following admin addition/removal request template below: Subject: GoCorp Admin Addition/Removal (Choose one) Request- To Sales/Customer Experience Team GoCorp, I’m from . I would like to request for a Company Admin addition/removal with details as following: Admin addition Name: Mobile Number: Email: Admin removal Name: Mobile Number: Email: [Use this GSheet template if needed] Thank you, [Name of Company’s Business or Finance Representative] B. Method 2. Fill in the Admin Company addition/removal request form. 1. Fill in the Company Admin data change form here https://gjk.id/gocorptambahkurangadmin 2. Attach wet signature/e-signature 3. Submit the completed form in PDF file to the Sales/Customer Experience Team through gocorp-cx@gojek.com. Who are the authorized parties to sign the limit increase application form? (Point B) 1. The entity authorized to sign the Commercial Terms, or 2. Company’s representative from Business or Finance as indicated in the signed Commercial Terms (Mandatory to attach ID/KTP)

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