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Trip Features
Trip Features
What is Trip Code? How will it benefit me?
As a GoCorp Admin, can I set a list of trip reason for employee in my company?
What is the difference between trip reason and trip reason details?
What is the difference between Trip Code and Trip Reason?
How do I enable the Trip Code feature?
How do I get these Trip Codes for my company?
If I checked the trip details checkbox, what would happen to the employee?
Can I set the Trip Code or Trip Reason feature as mandatory as the company administrator?
As the company administrator, can I get the information on trip description (trip reason, trip details, trip code, ride sharing) for each trip taken by the employees?
As a company admin, can I set trip details as optional?
Is trip approval by GoCorp Admin scheme available for employee while using GoCorp payment method?
Is SOS button available in Gojek App when the employees using GoCorp as method payment?
When employees in a trip using GoCorp as payment method, can the GoCorp admin do live tracking through GoCorp Dashboard?
As a company admin, can I set predefined reasons to be chosen by employees?
Browse gocorp-existing-users-admin topics
Employee Registration
Voucher Codes
Trip Features
Finance & Billing
Remove Employee
General Information
Concierge Booking
SFTP Feature
Employee Limit & Rules
Company Credit Limit
Employee Group
Trip History
Prepaid Payment
Admin Role