Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/Employee Limit & Rules/
How can I create a limit for an employee/group of employees?
How can I create a limit for an employee/group of employees?

You create a limit by going to the "Limit & rules" menu on the sidebar. Click the "Limit" tab and follow these simple steps: 
1. Click "Create new limit" 
2. Name the Limit based on your company's needs (e.g., Management Policy, Sales/Marketing Policy, Business Trip Policy) 
3. Set the validity period of the limit (optional) 
4. Set the guardrails for the limit 
Please note that: 
- Limits are independent of Groups so that Group members can be part of different limits 
- Individual spending limit reflects the amount EACH member of the limit has, not a total amount. 
5. Add employees to the limit by selecting them from the employee list 
6. Click "Create limit" to save the limit that has been created previously 

limit for group of employees.png

Limit setting can be done based on: 
- Total spending 
- Total number of trips 

You can set usage limit time based on: 
- Daily: the limit balance will be updated every day 
- Weekly: the limit balance will be updated every Monday 
- Monthly: the limit balance will be updated on the 1st day of every month 
- As long as the limit is valid: the limit will only be available during the validity period set.

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