Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/Employee Limit & Rules/
Is the service type, time, and location rule in 1 rule related to one another?
Is the service type, time, and location rule in 1 rule related to one another?

No, service type, time, and location rule in 1 rule are not related with each other. Each part of the rule is independent with one another. As an example, if you created a rule for an employee which consist of: 

Rule 1: 
- Service type: GoCar 
- Time: Tuesday, 24 hours 
- Location: GOJEK HQ office as pick-up point 

Rule 2: 
- Service type: GoCar XL 
- Time: Wednesday, 24 hours 
- Location: GOJEK operational office as pick-up point 

This does NOT mean that employee can only take GoCar on Tuesday from GOJEK HQ and employee can only take GoCar XL on Wednesday from GOJEK operational office. 

**Instead, the rule will allow employee to take GoCar and GoCar XL on Tuesday and Wednesday with pick-up point from GOJEK HQ Office or GOJEK operational office.**

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