Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/GoCorp Account Registration, Activation, and Withdrawal/
Can I reinvite employees who have not yet linked or activated their accounts to GoCorp?
Can I reinvite employees who have not yet linked or activated their accounts to GoCorp?
Yes, you can reinvite employees who haven't linked or activated their Gojek account to GoCorp. You need to go to the "Employee & group" section and find the "reinvite employee" button. To enable the button, please tick at least one employee you want to reinvite and click the "reinvite employee" button. A confirmation box will pop up; click on "Yes, resend invitation" to proceed, and the employee will receive the GoCorp invitation directly in their email. Please note that employees can only receive one invitation email per day to avoid spamming. Hence, you will only be able to resend the invitation once per day - if the resend invitation returns a failed attempt, please try it again on the next day.

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