What is GoCorp Prepaid?

GoCorp Prepaid is a payment system where clients need to top up their balance first before they can use GoCorp services. This balance can be topped up at any time via bank transfer, and the Gojek team will process it within a maximum of H+1 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays). With GoCorp Prepaid, topping up the balance is more convenient compared to the Invoicing payment method because clients don't have to wait for a monthly bill.

Initial Top-up Minimum Rp500,000
To get started, GoCorp Prepaid clients need to make an initial top-up of at least Rp500,000 to the account number provided via email with the following details:
-Sender: no-reply.gocorp.id@gojek.com
-Email Subject: Welcome to GoCorp! One step closer to achieving more optimal expense management.

Once the initial top-up is completed, there is no minimum amount required for subsequent top-ups. This top-up process will also be completed within a maximum of H+1 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays).

GoCorp Balance Active Period
The GoCorp balance has a limited active period. To ensure it remains usable, the following conditions apply:
If there is no GoCorp transaction activity (either top-up or use of GoCorp services in the Gojek app) for 5 consecutive months, the client's account will enter a grace period of 30 days.
During the grace period, the client will receive an email notification to make a transaction using GoCorp with the following details:
- Sender: no-reply.gocorp.id@gojek.com
- Email Subject: Your GoCorp account is in the grace period
If the grace period ends without any GoCorp transaction activity, the GoCorp balance will be forfeited and cannot be reclaimed. The client also agrees not to file any claims for compensation against Gojek.

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