Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/Remove Employee/
Can I remove an employee if he/she is no longer working for the company?
Can I remove an employee if he/she is no longer working for the company?
Yes, you can remove your employee if they no longer need GoCorp access by deleting them from the list. You need to access "Employee & groups" menu on the sidebar and follow these simple steps: 1. To remove GoCorp access, you can tick the checkbox next to the employee's name and hit the delete button (top right) 2. You'll get the confirmation screen - click "Yes, remove" if you want to deboard that employee 3. Once an employee is deboarded, he/she won't have access to GoCorp anymore *Note: the completed trips by that employee will still appear under the trips section.* ![Can I remove an employee if he/she is no longer working for the company screenshot-1](/images/help-center/can-i-remove-an-employee-if-he-she-is-no-longer-working-for-the-company/screenshot-1.png)

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