Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/Rules in GoCorp Dashboard/
Can I create a one-time policy for a specific case that is only applicable to 1 employee or 1 specific day?
Can I create a one-time policy for a specific case that is only applicable to 1 employee or 1 specific day?
Yes, you can create a one-time usage limit. This will allow employees to take trips post-approval if you have an internal approval process for each employee before using GoCorp. To keep track of the limit easily, we suggest you name the limit with the Employee name and date (i.e., Ade April 20). After naming the limit, you can set a validity period (optional), and create a rule based on the total number of trips. For example, you can set this to 2 trips if the employee is entitled to return trips. Add the employee to the limit and click "Create limit" to activate. Once the employee has taken the trips allocated, they will no longer be able to use GoCorp until given a new limit usage

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