Help/gocorp-existing-users-admin/SFTP Feature/
How's the file format that the client needs to send?
How's the file format that the client needs to send?

File format: 
File size must be no larger than 10MB 

Content should follow this requirement: 

1. In the first line shall be the column headers 

| name | email | employee_id | group | phone_number | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

2. The lines from the second line shall be the list of employees to be added 

name: mandatory 
email: mandatory 
employee_id: optional 
group: optional 
phone_number: optional 

Sample File: 
| name | email | employee_id | group | phone_number | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Rojak | rojak@company.com | emp001 | group1 | 62812345678 | 
| Gozali | gozali@company.com | emp002 | group1 | 65812345678 |

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