How to set up SFTP for my company?
How to set up SFTP for my company?
1. Generate a pair of public and private key. No need to generate if you already have one.
2. Once the keys are generated, login to GoCorp portal. Go to the Settings page and onboard your company as a SFTP user.
3. Add PIC emails, add your public key in the input box, and the click Submit.
4. You will get a user name, SFTP host name, and folder path on your screen. Use these credentials to login as a SFTP user.
5. To login as a client, download FileZilla or any other SFTP clients.
6. Once this is done you will be able to login using the user name.
7. Once logged in you can drop files to the to-gojek-folder, from where our admins can pick up the file and start processing your request.