How can I create a GoCorp Voucher Code?
GoCorp voucher code is a one-time payment method that can be given to customers/employees/stakeholders or other stakeholders to pay fully or partially for transport and food orders with Gojek. This is a unique code that will only be redeemed once by an employee/other stakeholder.
**To create a new voucher program:**
1. Select “Voucher code” menu
2. Click on “Create new voucher”
3. Enter the program details (only admin able to see this)
4. Specify the amount of voucher code and total voucher per code that you want to create
5. Specify code prefix - or you can click “Generate a random prefix”
6. Enter voucher name (customer/employee/stakeholders will see this on their Gojek app)
7. Specify the start and end dates for the voucher code (maximum 7 days validity period since start date)
8. Enter the voucher value
a. Monetary: use this if you only want to cover partial amount by flat value
b. Discount: use this if you only want to cover partial amount by x% of the fare
c. Fully covered ride: use this if you want to cover the trip fare fully. Note that there is maximum amount that can be covered
- ID: Rp 350.000
- SG: SGD 180
- VN: VND 500.000
9. Click Continue
10. Review the voucher program and click Confirm and continue.
You can only create 50 codes per single generation with a maximum of 10 vouchers per each code. If you’d like to create more vouchers per single generation, currently we have not yet allowed this in the GoCorp portal. Please contact your GoCorp account manager to inform your needs.
**To download the generated GoCorp Voucher Code:**
You can download a CSV file containing the voucher codes from GoCorp dashboard. It is your responsibility to distribute these codes to your customers/employees/stakeholders.
**To distribute the GoCorp Voucher Code:**
1. Your company is responsible for sending customers/employees/stakeholders voucher codes (via email, sms , WhatsApp, or others) to let them know about any voucher program you create.
2. Please inform the following information when you are sharing the code to customers/employees/stakeholders:
a. Always read the Voucher Terms & Conditions before using it. They can access it from the voucher page in Gojek Mobile App
b. Toll fee (e.g. ERP), parking fee, and any additional charges after trip completion will not be covered by GoCorp Voucher code
c. If you are providing them with ""Discount"" voucher value, only trip fare, multi-destination fee, scheduled booking fee (in Indonesia), and late night trip fee (In Vietnam) that will be covered with GoCorp voucher
d. For Indonesian users: GoBluebird is not applicable to be used with GoCorp Voucher
e. For Singaporean users: for GoTaxi rides, the voucher is only applied towards the estimated fare shown at the time of booking the ride. Fees and charges that are not covered by the voucher and/or exceed the estimated fare shall be paid by the user via the chosen payment method.
Please note that your company is financially responsible for all used vouchers, even if the voucher is misused or used by someone unintended.