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A trusted delivery service for your business

Integrate GoSend API to your online platform and improve delivery experience for your customers.

Why integrate with GoSend API?

Over 300+ companies across various industries— e-commerce, F&B, fashion, and healthcare—trust us as their go-to solution.

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Faster delivery

Customers will receive the package on time or even faster! The price is also affordable.
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Grow your business

Easier to send packages & monitor delivery with our automated system.
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Trusted system integration

Various e-commerce platforms use GoSend API for reliable delivery.

GoSend Features

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Share live tracking

Sender & recipient can track package progress and driver's latest position.

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Insure your packages

Get up to Rp10,000,000 package protection for free!

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24 hours customer support

If there's a delivery issue, call us, anytime. We'll help you to solve it!

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Pickup and delivery eProof

GoSend delivery are equipped with pickup and delivery e-proof to increase the trust of business partners.

GoSend services

Pick Instant or SameDay delivery services according to your needs.
How to intergrate your business with GoSend API?
1․ Register your business

Fill in this form and click "Submit" when you're done.

2․ Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Sign NDA from GoSend team as a prerequisite to access GoSend API documentation.

3․ Staging Environment

Business partners to develop and integrate their system to GoSend API.

4․ Sign agreement & pay integration fee

Sign a partnership agreement and then pay the intergration fees to continue to the next steps.

5․ User Acceptance Test

We're going to run UAT to make sure the API integration runs well.

6․ Get production credentials

Upon the completion of UAT, GoSend will provide production credentials required by the partner to launch the GoSend API.

7․ GoSend API is ready to use!

Partners can start receiving bookings using GoSend in their E-commerce.


GoSend Partners

Learn more about GoSend API

Still have any questions? Let's check our FAQ page.

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Trust your business deliveries to a fast, secure, and cost effective solution.