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What is Chat feature?
What is Chat feature?

Now you can easily communicate with other Gojek users listed in your phone contact book with the Chat feature as personal chat.

Not only for sending a message, there are other things you can enjoy in Chat feature, such as:

  • Found ongoing transaction chats with driver.
  • Found various information on the inbox menu.
  • To see your ticket progress.

All features that are available in Chat can be used by all Gojek users without any additional charges.

To be able to use this feature, please ensure:

  • You’re using the newest version of the Gojek app
  • You're connected to a stable internet network
  • You have given permission to access your phone contact book on your phone for Gojek app

There is something you need to know…

You can delete private chat. Click How to delete personal chat* article for more info.

*Link only accessible when you open this page on your phone/tablet.