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Why can't I book GoFood delivery?
Why can't I book GoFood delivery?

We always try to find the nearest driver around the restaurant’s area so your GoFood can be delivered immediately.

However, under certain conditions such as when the weather is bad, the limited number of drivers around certain areas cannot be avoided. When there are not enough drivers around your favorite restaurant, you may get notifications and cannot book GoFood delivery at that restaurant for a while.

This system is implemented to prevent the possibility of GoFood cancellations after being confirmed by the restaurant because there are no drivers available to deliver your food. That way, you can immediately book from other restaurants if you want.

However, if you still want to order from that same restaurant, you can choose the Pickup method (if the restaurant has activated the Pickup feature) and take the food directly at the restaurant. Check out “How to pick up GoFood order by myself” for more information.

You can also wait for a while and check it again after some time if you still want it to be delivered. You can book GoFood delivery once drivers are available around the restaurant’s area.

Hope this information helps you :)