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When will I get a driver?
When will I get a driver?

We always try our best to find you a driver shortly, so that you can receive your food as soon as possible.

For your info, we adjust the driver search process to the food preparation time. When your food is almost ready, the driver will be assigned immediately. So, don't worry, just let the restaurant prepare your food and wait for the driver to arrive at your front door!

However, please note that if you are using Mode Ekonomis, you might take a little longer time to find a driver, but with much cheaper delivery fee. Fret not, we will try our best to deliver it within the promised time😊

How do I see the driver search estimation?

You can check on the ongoing transaction page. The approximate time of driver searching is in *the green box:

finding driver EN.jpg

If there is no driver found around the restaurant, your food purchase with GoFood will be automatically cancelled and your balance will be returned. Kindly understand that this might happen due to several factors, including weather and road conditions.

Hope this information helps. 

*Driver search estimation time is currently unavailable on https://gofood.co.id