GoPay Pinjam
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What is GoPay Pinjam?
What is GoPay Pinjam?

GoPay Pinjam is a cash loan product offered to selected Gojek users with easy application and fast disbursement. The use of GoPay Pinjam is guaranteed as it is directly managed by PT Mapan Global Reksa (Findaya), which is licensed and supervised by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

If you are one of the selected customers, you will see the GoPay Pinjam Page in the Gojek, GoPay, and Tokopedia applications. GoPay Pinjam offers loan limits of up to Rp25,000,000 and also provides you with the convenience of choosing the installment period with various options, namely, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months.