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Type of GoSend services
Type of GoSend services

Here are the type of GoSend services:

Instant Delivery: 

  • Instant-Bike: Maximum distance 70 km
    This service can be used 24 hours while the driver is available. The delivery time for a single delivery address is 1 - 2 hours after the driver picks up the package.
    Instant Delivery also provides Multi Delivery service, which is a service that you can use to send packages to more than one or a maximum of five different delivery addresses. The delivery time of Multi Delivery is 1 - 4 hours after the driver picks up the packages depending on the number of delivery addresses and the distance between each address.
  • Instant-Car: Maximum delivery distance is 70 km.
    This service can be used 24 hours while the driver is available. The delivery time for a single delivery address is 1 - 2 hours after the driver picks up the package.
  • Instant Hemat: Maximum delivery distance is 40 km.
    The booking time of this service is 8:00 - 20:00. Your package will be delivered within 6 - 8 hours after being picked up by the driver.

SameDay-Bike: Maximum delivery distance is 70 km.

Your package will be delivered within 6 - 8 hours after being picked up by the driver. The booking time of this service is 8:00 - 15:00 and is only available in Jadetabek area.

This service can also be used as a shipping method when shopping at e-commerce. If, when using the Same Day Delivery service on e-commerce, you experience problems, you can get further treatment by contacting the relevant e-commerce. Terms and Conditions about Insurance:

  • Gojek provides compensation for the product loss up to Rp10.000.000. The compensation is based on receipt of purchase and or referring to the market price.
  • For those who buy goods in Tokopedia, compensation of the product loss is up to 10 times the maximum shipping cost. The maximum compensation is Rp1.000.000.

Other Terms and Conditions:

For purchasing goods in Tokopedia: If on the same day the driver has not taken the item(s) and resulting GoSend cancellation by the driver, Tokopedia Customer Service, or Customer Service GoSend, Tokopedia will arrange a random delivery service replacement on the following day.