Complete delivery details such as; Name and address of sender & recipient, type & weight of goods to be sent.
Select your preferred delivery service type (Instant - Bike, Instant - Car, Instant Hemat, or SameDay - Bike)
Select the preferred payment method
Click ‘Book Instant - Bike’ to complete the booking.
GoSend can only send packages for the same area
The maximum delivery distance from your location is 70km.
Please ensure that our driver can access the delivery location (If you wanted the driver to go up to the destination floor such as in an apartment, office building, etc)
Parking fees prior to pick-up are the driver's responsibility unless it’s previously agreed to be paid by the customer.
Parking fees after pickup are the responsibility of the customer, with prior agreement before entering the parking area and toll lane.
You can still chat with the driver up to 6 hours after your delivery is completed.
You can see your chat history with the driverfor 24 hours after your delivery is completed.