Always read the terms and conditions and the expiry date before using a voucher. To use it, check these steps:
Go to ‘My Profile’ menu and choose ‘Promos’. Or, go to 'Promos' menu and choose 'Vouchers & packs'.
Click ‘Use’ on the voucher you want to use
You will be automatically directed to the Gojek service page based on the voucher you use.
(sample on GoMart voucher)
Please note: Those steps above are general information on how to use the voucher. So, make sure you see how to use each voucher before using it.
Note for GoFood service:
You can find GoFood promo by accessing the promo box on the checkout page.
On the ‘Promos you can resist’ page, you can choose 1 (one) of the promos by clicking the available banner.
However, you can still apply GoFood PLUS package alongside with other promotions. Click here for more info.