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Driver is different from the app
Driver is different from the app

We always strive to give the best service to our customers since you and our driver safety is our first concern, including using the profile matched with the reality when executing orders.  

But we do apologize for the inconvenience if you had an unpleasant experience with our driver such as your driver is different from what you see in their profile picture in Gojek app. You can tell us more about your experience via Help page (on My Profile menu) in Gojek app by clicking Contact Us* below this article.

*Contact Us button only accessible when you open this page on your phone/tablet

To improve our trip safety and quality, you also can give a rating for your driver after your trip completed. If you forgot to give a rating to the driver, you can open ‘My Profile’ page from the Gojek home menu then click ‘My Orders’, click 'History' icon at the top right corner of the page, and choose the order that you want to give rating.