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GoPay Tabungan application is rejected because eKTP is not registered or matched with Dukcapil data
GoPay Tabungan application is rejected because eKTP is not registered or matched with Dukcapil data

Please ensure that the e-KTP used is the most updated and the same as The Dukcapil database (Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration) when you submit the application. If the data does not match, then your submission cannot be approved.

Here are some possible reasons why your eKTP details do not match with Dukcapil database:

  • There are changes in your eKTP such as name, address, marital status, photo, etc. 

  • There are differences in your picture on eKTP with the selfie photo submitted when trying to apply.

  • There is more than one ID card that is owned and is still valid.

If you experience the things above, please confirm with Dukcapil first to have your data updated in their system.

Dukcapil can be contacted through the following channels:

  • Whatsapp/SMS: 08118005373

  • Other WhatsApp numbers:

  • Email: callcenter@dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id

  • Facebook: Ditjen Dukcapil

  • Twitter: @ccdukcapil

If Dukcapil has confirmed that your data is correct and the most updated, please re-submit your application.

Remember! You cannot use your regular KTP even though Dukcapil has made confirmation into your data. eKTP is mandatory as a requirement to apply.